Sunday, July 8, 2018

In two months, Twitter suspends over 70 million accounts

In two months, Twitter suspends over 70 million accounts
In two months, Twitter suspends over 70 million accounts
Twitter Inc. suspended more than one million accounts in recent months to reduce the flow of misinformation on the platform. Twitter and other social media platforms such as Facebook Inc. have been under scrutiny by United States lawmakers and international regulators for doing too little to prevent the spread of false content.

The companies have been taking steps such as deleting user accounts, introducing updates and actively monitoring content to help users avoid being victims to fake content. Twitter suspended more than 70 million accounts in May and June, and the pace has continued in July, the media reported on Friday, citing data it obtained.

“It’s hard to believe that 70 million accounts were affected when Twitter has only 336 million monthly active users (MAU),” Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter said. Twitter’s MAU is expected to grow nearly three per cent to 337.06 in the second quarter, according to media.

If the 70 million were mostly active accounts, the affected accounts would have been “screaming bloody murder”, added the analyst.

Kogi PDP rejects Dino Melaye, says he will be a liability not an asset to the party

Kogi PDP rejects Dino Melaye, says he will be a liability not an asset to the party

Kogi PDP rejects Dino Melaye, says he will be a liability not an asset to the party
The Kogi West Elders Forum (KWEF) of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)  has rejected any attempt to impose Senator Dino Melaye as the sole senatorial candidate on the people of the Kogi West in 2019. The  elders made this known through its chairman, Hon. Shaibu Momoh, at a meeting held in Lokoja, today July 8th. This development comes amidst Dino's planned defection to the party aytime soon.

Momoh who spoke on behalf of the elders said Dino if allowed to contest in any free and fair election in the state now will be defeated. The elders said they will vehemently reject any attempt to make Dino an automatic senatorial candidiate
“He is seen as too controversial and his unacceptable behaviors are the serious negative views of the public against him. He can not win any election in a free and fair atmosphere and PDP should therefore not gamble with him as a candidate for now. He needs a serious reformation period which PDP Kogi state do not have the luxury of time to dispense. The leadership of PDP in the state under the apex leadership of two former governors of the state, Alhaji Ibrahim Idris, Captain Idris Wada, senator Tunde Ogbeha Alhaji Musa Ahmadu and host of other critical stakeholders have been struggling to rebrand a PDP that can recapture power from an aggressive none performing government of APC in the state.
They have reconcile several prominent strong men and women who came back to the party and their re-entrance back to PDP is without any condition or concession but genuine. Some restructuring on House of Representatives, Governorship and state Houses of Assembly are on-going and imposition of a Senatorial candidate will cause a major derailment and unimaginable crises that PDP may not be able to overcome before the general election. The critical leaders are on ground and they understand this great danger and trap, hence their rejection of this Dino imposition”, he lamented
Speaking further, Momoh said
 “Senator Dino Melaye is welcome to PDP as specified under the Constitution of the party. He is free to aspire to any position of his choice but must take cognisance of existing mutual arrangement. He will not be discriminated against in any form in the conduct of the affairs in the state. He should come into the party with genuine open mind and contribute meaningfully to growth of the PDP like any other senior members of the party”.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

How To Increase Laptop Battery Life [9 Ways]

Today most of individuals use laptops and tablets as an alternate of desktops thanks to their movability and fewer stress of maintaining wires and devices. Laptops square measure compact and straightforward to use and every one input/output devices square measure connected to that. Laptops have all and few further options as compare to desktop like built-in wireless local area network support, Bluetooth, Webcam, Speakers, microphone support, less worry of eventually clean up. Laptops solely suffer from their battery life. Laptops battery become down if we have a tendency to use it while not precautions, maintenance and while not data regarding a way to save and increase portable computer battery life. Some folks could suffer from battery life  then solely alternative left for them is by substitution the battery. however by implementing few settings and by following alternative vital pointers portable computer can perform higher. If you've got a portable computer and {you square measure|you're} plagued by poor battery life then you are doing not worry regarding it as a result of during this article we have a tendency to are progressing to justify some tips that assist you to extend your portable computer battery life and defend it from replacement issue. thus here we have a tendency to few best recommendations on a way to increase portable computer battery life. however before continuing with this text i like to recommend you to additionally examine create portable computer quicker.
How To Increase portable computer Battery Life. ?
#1. Disable Unused Devices And Port.

Simple thanks to increase the portable computer battery life is to disable the devices that aren't used presently parenthetically take away the external USB mouse, external drives etc. you furthermore may have to be compelled to pay attention of wireless local area network and Bluetooth and clean up wireless local area network and Bluetooth when victimization it. To disable unused devices in Windows you've got to open instrument panel and explore for device manager. In device manager, devices square measure sorted by class.

Note:- you've got to require care of these elements while not that your portable computer don't work like your disk drive. detain mind before disabling devices confirm it's not basic needed hardware for portable computer operating.
#2. put off Apps and Processes.

Second thanks to increase portable computer battery life is to show off the supererogatory processes and apps as a result of few apps take the processor time for process and increase load on processor that used portable computer battery to a fault. Some processes begin once the window begin and stay minimize in background and consume your battery. to shut these processes press Ctrl+Alt+Del to open task manager and shut the processes you wish.
#3.Turn On Your Battery Saver Mode.

Another issue to stay in mind to enhance your portable computer battery life is to show on your portable computer power saving mode. This power saving mode can automatic regulate your peripheral in low power mode and permit them to use low power. this may improve your battery life to some extent.
#4. regulate You portable computer Settings.

You can regulate your portable computer settings whereas victimization mouse and keyboard of your portable computer. Keyboard back lightweight additionally consume power of your portable computer thus till you're not in dark you would like to not activate your keyboard back lightweight. you'll additionally produce a hot key for keyboard back lightweight. you'll additionally regulate your portable computer screen brightness in line with your demand. At day time you'll decrease your brightness to save lots of and increase portable computer battery life.
#5. scale back Multitasking.

Multitasking means that running quite one Apps at a similar time. once your portable computer is totally charged we have a tendency to don't got to scale back multitasking. once we run quite one or 2 Apps at a similar time, methodor take a lot of load to process them and additionally consume a lot of power. If you open some image process tool then don't forget to shut them when victimization as a result of these tools take a lot of process to run and additionally consume a lot of power. thus scale back multitasking if we have a tendency to don’t would like it.
#6. like Hibernate rather than Standby.

Some folks place there portable computer on stand by mode though they need another work to try to to. Standby mode save battery and additionally increase portable computer battery life. Standby mode don't utterly scale back your power consumption. thus you've got to like Hibernate operate rather than Standby mode. Hibernate operate merely save your system state and utterly shut off of your system.
#7. Increase Your System RAM.

RAM is another issue that affects portable computer battery life. If your system have less RAM then applications that wants a lot of RAM can have to be compelled to use memory board. For victimization memory board system have to be compelled to access the disk drive every time, This operation will increase the ability consumption. If our system have enough quantity of then we have a tendency to scale back the utilization of memory board and increase portable computer battery life.
#8. Keep Your Laptop’s Battery Contacts Clean.

You should have to be compelled to clean your portable computer battery contacts clean when each 2 to 3 months. cleanup your battery contacts permit alright battery charging and sensible transfer of power to portable computer and increase your battery life. you ought to use alcohol, white gasoline to wash the battery contacts.
#9. forestall Your Battery From Overcharging.

This is another issue that have an effect on portable computer battery life. you ought to not forget to get rid of charger when full charging. Overcharging can injury your battery and alternative system elements. thus keep from overcharging.

These square measure few superb tips to extend portable computer battery life. we have a tendency to hope that it'll extend battery life and create device a lot of healthy.

8 Reasons happy Couples Rarely share their relationships status on social media

8 Reasons happy Couples Rarely share their relationships status on social media
I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets a little annoyed by that couple on social media. You know who I'm talking about. Their profile pictures are selfies of them together smiling. Their statuses are inside jokes or cheesy relationship goals. But when you actually spend time with them, you're wondering why they're together.
Unlike their public facade, behind closed doors, this couple is always bickering about everything from chores to finances, and they seem on the verge of breaking up.
It becomes so tiresome that you long for the days when a social-media status was merely a shout out in your AIM profile. Unfortunately, social media has evolved to become a part of our daily lives -- which includes sharing too much information about our relationships.
The thing is, genuinely happy couples don't have to boast about it. In fact, they hardly discuss their relationship on social media. Here are eight reasons why over-posting couples may not be doing as well as they make it seem.

1. They're convincing others to convince themselves.

When two people constantly post inside jokes, confess their love for each other, or share pictures of themselves doing fun and romantic activities, it's a ploy to convince everyone else they're in a happy and healthy relationship, which is really just a way to trick themselves into thinking they're in a happy and healthy relationship.
Sexologist Nikki Goldstein told Mail Online: "Often it's the people who post the most who are seeking validation for their relationship from other people on social media.
"The likes and comments can be so validating that when someone is really struggling, that's where they get their up from -- not the person making the gesture, but what other people will say about it."

2. People who post more often are more likely to be psychopathic and narcissistic.

A survey of 800 men ages 18 to 40 found that "narcissism and psychopathy predicted the number of selfies posted, whereas narcissism and self-objectification predicted editing photographs of oneself posted" on social-media networks.
Another study discovered that posting, tagging, and commenting on Facebook is often associated with narcissism in both men and women.
In short, the more often you post or engage on social media, the more likely you are to be either narcissistic or, even worse, psychopathic. And in case you're wondering, "Narcissists are very bad relationship partners," says professor Brad Bushman of Ohio State University.

3. When you're happy, you don't get distracted by social media.

Sure. There will be plenty of times where you'll share a status or a couple of pictures of you and your significant other. Happy couples, though, are busy enjoying each other's company in the present. This means that they're not going to stop enjoying each other's company just to post a status or snap a selfie.
That's why you'll see this couple post a collage of their recent trip after they get home. They were too preoccupied with having fun to keep posting pictures.

4. Couples who post a lot tend to be insecure.

After surveying more than 100 couples, researchers from Northwestern University found those who posted more frequently on social media about their partner actually feel insecure in their relationship.

5. Couples are better off when they keep arguments offline.

Have you ever been in the presence of couple that's fighting? It's awkward, to say the least. Now imagine that fight playing out for the whole world to see on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube?
Instead of filming and uploading an anger and profanity-filled video, for example, the argument should be discussed in private between the couple. There's no need to air your dirty laundry to all of your friends, family, co-workers, or even clients.

6. Those who post more often on social media rely on their relationship for happiness.

Researchers from Albright College call this Relationship Contingent Self-Esteem (RCSE). RCSE is described as "an unhealthy form of self-esteem that depends on how well your relationship is going." These people use social media to brag about their relationship, make others jealous, or even spy on their partner.
"These results suggest that those high in RCSE feel a need to show others, their partners and perhaps themselves that their relationship is 'OK' and, thus, they are OK," said Albright assistant professor of psychology Gwendolyn Seidman, PhD.

7. They don't have anything to prove.

Couples that are genuinely happy do not need validation from social media to prove how happy they are. They don't need to show-off, make anyone else jealous, or keep tabs on their significant other. They're so secure and content in the relationship that there's no need to gush about it.

8. People who stay off Facebook are happier.

Denmark's Happiness Research Institute wanted to know what would happen if people quit Facebook for a week. So, they conducted an experiment that involved 1,095 people.
"After one week without Facebook, the treatment group reported a significantly higher level of life satisfaction," stated the researchers.
Prior to the experiment, the volunteers were asked to rate their lives on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the happiest. The "no Facebook" group increased from an average of 7.75/10 to 8.12/10, while the group that kept using Facebook actually decreased from 7.67/10 to 7.56/10.
The researchers also found that frequent Facebook users were more likely to feel angry (20 percent versus 12 percent), depressed (33 percent versus 22 percent) and worried (54 percent versus 41 percent).


In reality, it doesn't really matter what all the research says. It matters what you think and feel. However, the comments and findings from professionals may be something to at least take a look at. And if you feel you, a partner or friend has a "social media" issue, you may want to take a much closer look.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Ogun State Police command arrests Five currency hawkers, recover N1.5m

Ogun State Police command arrests Five currency hawkers, recover N1.5m

Ogun State Police command?arrests Five currency hawkers, recover N1.5m
Five persons have been arrested by the Ogun State Police Command for allegedly hawking naira notes in different parts of the state. They were Toyin Alegbe, Kehinde Akinbode, Shoneye Latifat, Kehinde Olanrewaju and Iyanuoluwa Shokunbi.

They were arrested in Ijebu Ode, Sagamu and Abeokuta during sting operations jointly carried out by the operatives of the command and officials of Central Bank of Nigeria on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th of April 2018.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, Abimbola Oyeyemi, said the operation was in line with the provisions of Section 21(1) of the CBN Act 2007 which made hawking, selling and abuse of naira a punishable offence.

He said various denominations of naira notes totalling N1,560,000 were recovered from the suspects who were publicly exhibiting their illicit trade. The suspects, he said, would be charged to court soon.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Here's What 15 Relationship Experts Want to Teach You About Love

Here's What 15 Relationship Experts Want to Teach You About Love

Relationships don’t look like they used to (and that's a good thing). But what does it honestly take to make a modern romance work? As part of Committed, we're exploring partnerships ranging from a textbook marriage between high-school sweethearts to a gay couple creating a life together in the conservative deep South.
If binge-watching Gilmore Girls, Scandal, or The Good Wife has taught us anything, it's that relationships are messy. Personal experience proves it too: From our eighth-grade romance to our most recent breakup drama, "love isn't easy" is a life lesson we know all too well.
No matter your status—single, dating, engaged, or married—relationships take work. And whether they end with tears and empty Ben & Jerry's or last until forever may depend upon countless factors, but your own actions, words, and thoughts undoubtedly play a role.
One thing that'll give you an advantage in the game of love? Soaking up all the wisdom you can from relationship therapists, researchers, matchmakers, and more. Here, we've distilled it down to the very best advice 15 experts have learned. Regardless of your personal situation, their words may help you uncover the key to long-lasting happiness.

1. Do or say something daily to show your appreciation.

"Saying and doing small, simple expressions of gratitude every day yields big rewards. When people feel recognized as special and appreciated, they're happier in that relationship and more motivated to make the relationship better and stronger. And when I say simple, I really mean it. Make small gestures that show you're paying attention: Hug, kiss, hold hands, buy a small gift, send a card, fix a favorite dessert, put gas in the car, or tell your partner, 'You're sexy,' 'You're the best dad,' or simply say 'Thank you for being so wonderful.'"
Terri Orbuch, Ph.D., professor at Oakland University and author of 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great

2. Realize every relationship has value, regardless of how long it lasts.

"There’s no such thing as a failed romance. Relationships simply evolve into what they were always meant to be. It’s best not to try to make something that is meant to be seasonal or temporary into a lifelong relationship. Let go and enjoy the journey."
April Beyer, matchmaker and dating and relationship expert

3. Never take your partner for granted.

"This may sound obvious, but you can't imagine how many people come to couples therapy too late, when their partner is done with a relationship and wants to end it. It is very important to realize that everyone potentially has a breaking point, and if their needs are not met or they don't feel seen by the other, they will more than likely find it somewhere else. Many people assume that just because they are OK without things they want so is their partner. 'No relationship is perfect' shouldn't be used as a rationalization for complacency."
Irina Firstein, LCSW, individual and couples therapist

4. Remember to take breaks.

"A friend taught me that no matter how in love you are or how long you've been together, it's important to take an exhale from your partnership. Hang out with girlfriends until late in the evening, take a weekend trip to visit family, or just spend time 'doing you' for a while. Then when you go home to Yours Truly, you'll both be recharged and ready to come together even stronger."
— Amy Baglan, CEO of MeetMindful, a dating site for people into healthy living, well-being, and mindfulness

5. It's not what you fight about—it's how you fight.

"Researchers have found that four conflict messages are able to predict whether couples remain together or get divorced: contempt, criticism, stonewalling (or withdrawal), and defensiveness. Together, they're known as the 'Four Horsemen of Divorce.' Instead of resorting to these negative tactics, fight fairly: Look for places where each partner's goal overlaps into a shared common goal and build from that. Also, focus on using 'I' vs. 'you' language."
Sean M. Horan, Ph.D., assistant professor of communication, Texas State University

6. Stop trying to be each other’s “everything.”

"'You are my everything' is a lousy pop-song lyric and an even worse relationship plan. No one can be 'everything' to anyone. Create relationships outside The Relationship, or The Relationship isn't going to work anymore."
Matt Lundquist, LCSW, couples therapist

7. Don't just go for the big O.

"Sex isn't just about orgasms. It's about sensation, emotional intimacy, stress relief, improved health (improved immune and cardiovascular system), and increased emotional bonding with your partner, thanks to the wonderful release of hormones due to physical touch. There are many more reasons to have sex than just getting off."
Kat Van Kirk, Ph.D., licensed marriage and sex therapist, expert at Adam and Eve, and Greatist expert

8. Look for someone with similar values.

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"For long-lasting love, the more similarity (e.g., age, education, values, personality, hobbies), the better. Partners should be especially sure that their values match before getting into marriage. Although other differences can be accommodated and tolerated, a difference in values is particularly problematic if the goal is long-lasting love. Another secret for a long marriage: Both partners need to commit to making it work, no matter what. The only thing that can break up a relationship are the partners themselves."
Kelly Campbell, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at California State University, San Bernardino

9. Try a nicer approach.

"Research has shown that the way a problem is brought up determines both how the rest of that conversation will go and how the rest of the relationship will go. Many times an issue is brought up by attacking or blaming one’s partner, also known as criticism, and one of the killers of a relationship. So start gently. Instead of saying, 'You always leave your dishes all over the place! Why can’t you pick anything up?' try a more gentle approach, focusing on your own emotional reaction and a positive request. For example: 'I get annoyed when I see dishes in the living room. Would you please put them back in the kitchen when you’re finished?'"
— Carrie Cole, M.Ed., LPC-S, a certified Gottman therapist and master trainer for The Gottman Institute

10. Make sure you're meeting your partner's needs.

"The number one thing I have learned about love is that it is a trade and a social exchange, not just a feeling. Loving relationships are a process by which we get our needs met and meet the needs of our partners too. When that exchange is mutually satisfying, then good feelings continue to flow. When it is not, then things turn sour, and the relationship ends. That is why it is important to pay attention to what you and your partner actually do for each other as expressions of love... not just how you feel about each other in the moment."
Jeremy Nicholson, Ph.D., psychologist and dating expert

11. Take care of yourself.

"There is one major cause of relationship problems: self-abandonment. We can 'abandon' ourselves in many areas: emotional (judging or ignoring our feelings), financial (spending irresponsibly), organizational (being late or messy), physical (eating badly, not exercising), relational (creating conflict in a relationship), or spiritual (depending too much on your partner for love). When you decide to learn to love yourself rather than continue to abandon yourself, you will discover how to create a loving relationship with your partner."
— Margaret Paul, Ph.D., relationship expert and co-creator of Inner Bonding

12. Don't forget to keep things hot.

"Many times people become increasingly shy with the person they love the more as time goes by. Partners begin to take their love for granted and forget to keep themselves turned on and to continue to seduce their partner. Keep your 'sex esteem' alive by keeping up certain practices on a regular basis. This allows you to remain vibrant, sexy, and engaged in your love life."
Sari Cooper, LCSW, licensed individual, couples, and sex therapist

13. Remove the pressure on performance.

"The penis-vagina model of sex comes with pressures, such as having an orgasm at the same time or the idea that an orgasm should happen with penetration. With these strict expectations come a pressure on performance that ultimately leads many to feel a sense of failure and frustration. Instead, try to expand your concept of sex to include anything that involves close, intimate connection with your partner, such as sensual massages, taking a nice shower or bath together, reading an erotic story together, playing with some fun toys… the possibilities are endless. And if orgasm happens, great, and if not, that's OK too. When you expand your definition of sex and lower the pressure on orgasm and penetration, the anxiety around performance dissipates and your satisfaction can escalate."
— Chelsea Holland, DHS, MS, sex and relationship therapist at The Intimacy Institute

14. Create a fulfilling life for yourself.

"Like many people, I grew up believing that marriage required self-sacrifice. Lots of it. My wife, Linda, helped me see that I didn’t have to become a martyr and sacrifice my own happiness in order to make our marriage work. She showed me that my responsibility in creating a fulfilling and joyful life for myself was as important as anything else that I could do for her or the kids. Over the years, it’s become increasingly clear to me that my responsibility to provide for my own well-being is as important as my responsibility to others. This is easier said than done, but it is perhaps the single most important thing we can do to ensure that our relationship will be mutually satisfying."
Charlie Bloom, MSW, relationship expert and author of Secrets of Great Marriages: Real Truth from Real Couples about Lasting Love

15. Identify your "good conflicts," and work on them together.

"Every couple has what I call a 'good conflict.' In long-term relationships, we often feel that the thing you most need from your partner is the very thing he or she is least capable of giving you. This isn't the end of love—it's the beginning of deeper love! Don't run from that conflict. It's supposed to be there. In fact, it's your key to happiness as a couple—if you both can name it and commit to working on it together as a couple. If you approach your 'good conflicts' with bitterness, blame, and contempt, your relationship will turn toxic."

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Ways to Avoid Heartbreak: 3 Ways to Spot a Cheater

Most people have been there.  Either personally or vicariously, at one time or another, you have experienced the heartbreaking cycle of love and betrayal. Wouldn't it be great if you could spot the red flags of potential infidelity before you fall in love?  Research reveals that in many cases, you can.

1. History Repeats Itself
For some unfaithful partners, a relational indiscretion is an isolated incident, never to be repeated. They learn their lesson after losing a cherished relationship due to their own infidelity.  But not all straying partners cheat only once.  Some become serial offenders.  In these cases, knowing about a partner´s relational past may predict the future.
Knopp et al. (2017) explored risk for serial infidelity by tracking adults through two romantic relationships, having them report their infidelity.[i] They found that people who reported cheating in a first relationship were three times more likely to report cheating in their next relationship, as compared to faithful partners.
More broadly, their study results indicated that people who had been unfaithful themselves, knew that a partner had been unfaithful or suspected he or she had been, were at higher risk of having similar infidelity experiences in their next romantic relationship. They found no evidence, however, that a partner´s past infidelity (suspected or known) impacted a person´s own infidelity.

2. Calculating Mate Market Value
Although it sounds unromantic and impersonal to say the least, research reveals some partners size each other up in terms of market value.
Starratt et al. (2017) sought to determine the factors that make it more likely a partner will be unfaithful.[ii] Their research focused on mate value, defined as “an individual's overall attractiveness as a potential mate on the “mating market.” They found that reporting an intention to be unfaithful is higher when infidelity is more likely to increase one´s own mate value, or lead to a replacement partner of higher value.
They uncovered two factors that predicted infidelity: surgency (for women) and agreeableness/commitment (for men).  They note that women reportedly higher in surgency, defined here as “a trait indicative of one's interest in and ability to become upwardly mobile in a social hierarchy,” were more likely to report an intention to be unfaithful.
For men, the researchers note that when considering partner mate value traits, men who are more commitment oriented and/ or agreeable are likely to catch the attention of other women, who may be higher in value than their current partners and who may be willing to engage in sexual activity.  Therefore, because the perception of relational alternatives is one predictor of infidelity, so too is men´s commitment-orientation/ agreeability.

3. Negative Communication
Beyond past indiscretions and market value, relational challenges also contribute to projected infidelity.
Allenn et al. (2008) found that found that generally, couples that suffer from marital infidelity experience more problematic communication before marriage, such as less positive interaction, and more negative and invalidating interaction.[iii]
Some couples predict infidelity shortly after the marriage.  In a study asking newlyweds whether they believed they were likely to be unfaithful, Shackelford et al. (2008) found results linking personality and marital satisfaction with anticipated infidelity.[iv]
They found some support for the fact that partners with spouses that are particularly disagreeable or unreliable were less satisfied with their marriages, leading them to estimate they are more likely to have an extramarital affair within the next year.

Living Happily and Faithfully Ever After
Choosing a mate who will be loving and faithful is an admirable, yet attainable goal.  Thoughtfully and patiently getting to know a new love interest is time well spent investing in your future.  Some things are meant to be taken slowly; a successful relationship is one of them.