Saturday, September 9, 2017

Do Men Really Want the 'Cool Girls'?


"Being the Cool Girl implies I am a hot, splendid, amusing lady who reveres football, poker, messy jokes, and burping, who plays computer games, drinks modest lager, cherishes trios and butt-centric sex, and sticks wieners and ground sirloin sandwiches into her mouth like she's facilitating the world's greatest culinary posse blast while by one means or another keeping up a size 2, since Cool Girls are most importantly hot. Hot and understanding."— Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl

A day or two ago a companion sent me the quote above and asked, "Do folks truly need the Cool Girl?" The short answer is "yes" and furthermore "no." Let's separate the meaning of the "Cool Girl" and perceive what number of these things really matter to men.

Being a Bro

There is a huge supposition that all men want a lady with whom they could brother out. The lady who not just knows the intricate details of football however has a most loved group, and was raised with undying unwaveringness to them (which ensnares, by chance, that they would demonstrate comparable devotion to their beau). Not really. Not all men cherish football, for one.

In any case, more than that, folks are searching for more than a brother in their sentimental accomplice. They don't need a companion with whom they can play computer games. They have a lot of those. They need somebody they can converse with, share their heart with, and obviously engage in sexual relations with. It is not necessarily the case that some folks won't love that their lady knows a ton of about The Ohio State football or can sub in on poker night. That can be really damn attractive. In any case, it's not a major issue if that is basically not your thing. It's not in the least expected or considered super cool for a lady to brother out.

Being a Sex Maniac

Its a well known fact that men fantasize about sex. In the interest of hetero men I let it be known; we have a tendency to fantasize about sexual acts that might be beyond reach to a few people, for example, trios and butt-centric sex. Be that as it may, for some men there's a Madonna/prostitute complex. For these folks, in principle they need a lady who might do a wide range of insane things in bed, however the ladies they really date would infrequently put it all on the line. In case you're not the sort to put it all on the line, that is alright. Truly. Indeed, on the off chance that you swung to your person and solicited to accomplish something way out from your typical sexual wheelhouse it may crack him out.

Which is not to dishearten anybody from testing in the room; that is dependably fun if transparently conveyed and settled upon ahead of time of the real demonstration. In any case, no person just accept his better half would do these things since she's "cool." If anything like that happens this is on account of you have a steady relationship and can analyze. It's reliant on the kind of man, however a considerable lot of us folks aren't expecting or even keen on being that unusual.

Being Hot and Understanding

This is the place the definition gets sufficiently ambiguous that I can unequivocally say yes - men need the ladies they date to be hot and understanding. However, what "hot" means is completely subjective. Hot does not, as the definition toward the start of this piece infers, mean you must be a size 2. We men like ladies of every kind imaginable. What's more, a most sweltering aspect concerning a lady is that last word in the definition: understanding.

Underneath the greater part of the burping and the poker and the tossing wieners down your throat, men think the most about being caught on. We need an accomplice who gets us, who can see that we are great and esteems us for our identity. While I don't think you should be a brother or a sex insane person with a specific end goal to be a "Cool Girl" I would like to influence it to clear: men figure the coolest thing you can do is comprehend their identity.

Being cool begins with being bona fide to your identity as a man. So "understanding" can incorporate comprehension and imparting the extensive variety of feelings you feel. You get envious? Possess it. Work on it. Convey about it like a grown-up. That is a decent type of comprehension, since he is experiencing comparative feelings in a relationship and ought to similarly be cool. Cool here is, in its least difficult sense, moving toward circumstances sanely and imparting successfully. Uncool is giving your anxiety and responses a chance to assume control and losing any feeling of compassion for your accomplice.

We men realize that there are a plenty of cool young ladies out there. Be that as it may, in scanning for the "Cool Girl" sort we are searching for ladies who are sure about their own particular skin, comprehend their identity, and who like us for our identity as well. That is the pith of being cool.
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